United Arab Emirates Society in the Twenty-first Century
In light of the radical transformations and changes that the world witnesses on all levels, research in the field of social issues is gaining increased prominence, particularly amid different sources of danger that threaten social security in countries, primarily due changes in the nature of warfare and conflicts, the spread of extremism and terrorism, and the emergence of religious, sectarian, doctrinal, and racial tensions. Moreover, the unprecedented technological transformations in light of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) with its social effects can compromise the stability and security of societies. Therefore, in this book I focus on studying UAE society in an ever-changing world from a comprehensive perspective that encompasses political, security, economic, social, cultural, and technological aspects. From an early stage in my academic career, I have given special attention – in my books, research papers, and studies – to issues of national security, at the forefront of which is social security. This stems from my belief that social security is one of the most important and critical aspects of national security in its comprehensive sense. Furthermore, social security is also closely associated with all other political, economic, cultural, and stability aspects of national security. This book includes seven chapters along with an introduction and a conclusion. Chapter One deals with the experience of the Union of the UAE and how it has affected UAE society. Chapter Two deals with UAE society in a changing regional and international environment. Chapter Three examines the UAE’s economic vision to prepare for the post-oil era, which is based primarily on knowledge and innovation. Chapter Four addresses education and its importance in building national human capacities and resources. Chapter Five discusses national identity, its significance, and sources of threat. Chapter Six examines balanced political development and the guarantee it gives to enable political stability in the UAE. The last chapter, Chapter Seven, discusses UAE society and global technological changes in terms of challenges and opportunities. The book ends with a conclusion in which I call for more attention to studies pertaining to UAE society in the coming years because the current changes in the local, regional, and global environments have several implications for this society. Therefore, it is important to study these implications and anticipate their future trajectories.