Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara/Kuan-yin
Over a decade ago, I got interested in Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, who came to be worshipped as a female bodhisattva, Kuan-yin, in China. I found this transformation intriguing, and worth further enquiry. These enquiries resulted in a paper, Avalokiteoevara/Kuan-yin and the Transformation from a Male Divinity into a Female One, published in S D Trivedi (ed), The Glorious Heritage of India (in Memory of Prof R C Sharma) 2, Delhi, 2010. The Commemoration Volume, dedicated to Prof R C Sharma, was a costly multi-volume set, and not easily accessible to the students. Hence, I decided to present my findings, as the fifth in the series of WebGuruCool Indological Studies. The original paper, in the Commemoration Volume, was published without any illustrations. I have endeavoured to correct that situation in this publication of WebGuruCool. I acknowledge, with a profound sense of gratitude, the inspiration I always receive from my Guru, Professor K K Thaplyal, and the warm support extended to me by my family—Wife Dr Nidhi Srivastava, daughters Pratichi and Purvi, son-in-law Kumar Aishvarya, and my extended family of students. 12 September 2023. Prashant Srivastava.