Uncork Yourself Not Bottles
Time flies very fast and the way business is done is witnessing accelerated changes. Going forward all of us have no choice but to visit self-created mental gyms on a daily basis, besides physical gyms. Visit to Mental Gyms is keeping yourself uncorked all the time. How much are you investing in yourself by way of time and resources? What are your plans to increase your personal indexes of Likeability, Approachability, Luck, Listening and Trust? What do you do between 6-9 PM.? Artificial intelligence is changing things rapidly from recruitment, sales analysis, customer care etc. How do you resurrect, reinvent, re-engineer yourself with new skills and knowledge on a routine and regular basis? Like your financial capital, your mental capital also needs to be preserved, protected and promoted besides putting it on a growth path. All actions verbal and nonverbal silently create a brand image of ours. Are you a trustworthy brand? Relation building personal or professional is the core need to accomplish all your dreams. There comes a time in life when you realise who really matters, who never did and who always will. Sooner, you can differentiate and figure out this aspect; life will be much easier and enjoyable. How good are you at managing your Boss or you as a Boss? Author has seen professional life from close quarters. Therefore, contents are all practical. No theory, no jargons, no long arguments in favour or against, just crisp, racy and straight to the point. Testimonial "Issues relevant for professional growth during different stages of career in corporate life are rightly identified. Very practical inputs based on personal experience of Pradeep in industry. Easy to read and comprehend. Refreshing reminder for practicing professional managers." G.K.Satish, Director (Planning &Business development), Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Coming from rich and practical experience of Pradeep in corporate life, the book impacts thinking on issues concerning personal and professional growth. Gives a critical insight to enhance your personal indexes of listening, approachability, likeability, luck and trust. Evaluating and managing your boss, yourself as a boss, and visiting Mental gyms makes it useful and interesting for all professional managers. Sandeep Puri, Associate Professor, Asian Institute of Management Manila, Phillipines