Nhat Ky Thuc Pham - Tap Chi Dinh Duong
Nhat ky thuc pham - Tap chi dinh duong - Food Diary - Nutrition Journal VIETNAMESE Language - July Food Diary with Beautiful Floral Cover; Tieng Viet - Nhat ky thuc pham thang 7 voi bia hoa dep THIS POCKET-SIZED BOOK TO RECORD YOUR FOOD DIARY AND NUTRITION INTAKE IS A MUST HAVE IN YOUR POCKET OR PURSE! SACH GAO SOCKED-SIZED NAY DE GHI NHAN THUC AN THUC PHAM VA NHUNG THANH PHAN DINH DU ISNG CUA BAN LA PHAI CO TRONG GIUP HOAC MUC DICH CUA BAN! WHAT AN AWESOME GIFT OR A BUSINESS PROMOTIONAL ITEM FOR DIET AND NUTRITION CLIENTS! NHUNG QUA TANG TUYET VOI HOAC MUC KHUYEN MAI KINH DOANH CHO KHACH HANG DIET VA NUTRITION! This notebook has the perfect diary layout for you to journal your daily nutritional intake, as well as record your exercise burning calories. May tinh xach tay nay co bo tri nhat ky hoan hao de ban co the ghi lai luong dinh duong hang ngay cua ban, cung nhu ghi lai luong calo dot chay tap the duc cua ban. This notebook is uniquely designed so when you open the notebook, you see two pages facing each other for each entire day - no flipping back and forth to see all the data for one day. So ghi chep nay duoc thiet ke doc dao vi vay khi ban mo so ghi chep, ban se thay hai trang doi dien nhau cho ca ngay - khong lat qua lai de xem tat ca du lieu trong mot ngay. The diary is simple, easy to use, plenty of space to write your daily caloric intake, as well as calculate your exercise-based calories burned for your daily net. Cuon nhat ky rat don gian, de su dung, nhieu khong gian de viet luong calo hang ngay cua ban, cung nhu tinh toan luong calo dua tren tap the duc cua ban duoc dot chay cho mang hang ngay cua ban. Additionally, there are pages to record your monthly goals and aspirations, as well as your end of month triumphs! Ngoai ra, co nhung trang de ghi lai muc tieu va nguyen vong hang thang cua ban, cung nhu chien thang cuoi thang cua ban! This (6 inch x 9 inch) lightweight notebook is simple, easy, and inexpensive to keep short-term records, as well as add to your annual collection. May tinh xach tay nhe (6 inch x 9 inch) nay don gian, de dang va khong ton kem de luu giu ho so ngan han cung nhu them vao bo suu tap hang nam cua ban. This volume is from a set of 12 available monthly volumes each showcasing a stunning photograph of orchids or hot-house flowers in stunning details which makes the notebook beautiful to look at and add to your collection. Khoi luong nay la tu mot tap hop 12 tap co san hang thang, moi buc anh trung bay mot buc anh phong canh tuyet dep cua hoa lan hoac nhung bong hoa nong trong nhung chi tiet tuyet dep lam cho may tinh xach tay tro nen dep hon va them vao bo suu tap cua ban. COLLECT ALL 12 notebooks - look for the 'month label' in sub-titles for each volume in the collection of these beautiful food diary mini-notebooks! THU THAP TAT CA 12 so ghi chep - tim nhan 'thang' trong tieu de phu cho tung tap trong bo suu tap cac so ghi chep nhat ky thuc pham tuyet dep nay! Key Search Terms: Food Diary Nutritional Journal Orchids / Hothouse / Greenhouse Flowers