The Long Sunday
In the opening paragraphs of the 9/11 Commission Report published in the wake of the attacks of September 11th 2001, the term "failure of imagination" is repeated three times. Specifically, "Across the government, there were failures of imagination, policy, capabilities, and management." Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, Director of the EMP Task Force and the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, both congressional advisory boards, has served in the House Armed Services Committee and the CIA. His new book will help policymakers better imagine the most dangerous threat to our survival - nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) - and how our nation's adversaries have demonstrated capability and intent to use EMP against the U.S. and our allies. The Long Sunday--Election Day 2016 - Inauguration Day 2017--Nuclear EMP Attack Scenarios warns that the EMP threat is not merely theoretical, but real, and could be upon us as soon as the 74-days between Election Day and Inauguration Day, which period Dr. Pry describes as "The Long Sunday." The short monograph does not predict that a nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack is likely to occur between the national elections on November 8 and the next presidential inauguration on January 20. But it is a sign of just how deeply troubled and unpredictable are the times in which we now live, when almost every day brings another unpleasant surprise, that any or all of the scenarios this report shall describe are entirely plausible. The "unpleasant surprise" is a high-altitude nuclear EMP attack that could permanently blackout the nation's electric grid and kill 90 percent of Americans through starvation and societal collapse, warns the Congressional EMP Commission and The Long Sunday. A true Paul Revere of our generation, Dr. Pry warns EMP is a threat unique in history, empowering failed states and terrorists to destroy Western Civilization. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on a Sunday, when they knew our guard was down. We hope that Dr. Pry's book will correct the failure of imagination about the existential threat from EMP, and avert an electronic Pearl Harbor against entire nations. We believe the survival of America and our allies depends upon it.