50 Added Ways of Closing the Sale
This is the seventh book in the 50 Ways Closing series.According to international records, Peter Collins was the first sales author in the world to put out the Audio Tape Series, "Over 50 Ways of Closing the Sale," as far back as 1983. The second Audio Sales to feature "Closing the Sale" was produced by Zig Ziglar in 1984. It took another 10 years for Peter to be talked into putting the Audio Tape Series into a paperback. But since then Peter has turned the "50 Ways Closing" series into 7 volumes, featuring in excess of 350 Closing Styles for professionals to use. Yet there are still over 1,500 closing styles in his archives to draw on.Peter started selling in 1964 at the age of 17 and within 6 years had worked on his business so well, when he sold out he sold for others and within 3 months was promoted to Sales Manager.The journey to creating this series of books began in 1975-76 when Peter Collins worked as the State Manager for the Yellow Pages in Tasmania Australia. Peter had already topped just about every sales position he work in and became intrigued with Closing when it was barely known. Initially he isolated 150 closing styles, personalised them, adapted them and worked them. In the process his State revenue grew at a world record pace of 40% annually for 3 consecutive years. And was inducted into the Hall of Fame two years in a row. Back in his own business in 1982, Peter refined that work and now had over 300 closing styles he was "tinkering with." In 1983 h produced an Audio Tape series entitled "Over 50 Ways of Closing the Sale," which included a 140 page A4 sized Workbook, with over 100 Help-Cards, Closing Cards and Note Cards. That series sold over 2,500 sets in one Australian city (Melbourne) alone, and was mostly sold door to door and then purely on referrals. He later found out that the "Over 50 Ways of Closing the Sale" audio pack had broken many of the existing book sales records and its sales were in a sector of its own - in the 'Selling Audio Tapes Package' field.In 1992 he was again inducted into the Hall of Fame while National Sales Manager at Thermax Australia, with World Records for the Best Closing Ratio over 2 successive 12 month periods - 86% then 92% on the first call - selling minimum $2,500 per sale, and statistically has Lowest Cancellation Rate in Australia. Less than 0.2% (or 4 cancellations) in 8 years.Peter has been in sales now for over 52 years. More recently bad health removed Peter from all forms of Sales Training, Public Speaking and Sales Management. But today he still sells when he is able to. And if that means working 3 days a week or one week on and one week off, he will do it.It's that experience you will find within the pages of these books. Enjoy the read and learn heaps.