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Brownian Motion
Brownian Motion
This eagerly awaited textbook covers everything the graduate student in probability wants to know about Brownian motion, as well as the latest research in the area. Starting with the construction of Brownian motion, the book then proceeds to sample path properties like continuity and nowhere differentiability. Notions of fractal dimension are introduced early and are used throughout the book to describe fine properties of Brownian paths. The relation of Brownian motion and random walk is explored from several viewpoints, including a development of the theory of Brownian local times from random walk embeddings. Stochastic integration is introduced as a tool and an accessible treatment of the potential theory of Brownian motion clears the path for an extensive treatment of intersections of Brownian paths. An investigation of exceptional points on the Brownian path and an appendix on SLE processes, by Oded Schramm and Wendelin Werner, lead directly to recent research themes.
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Chemistry of the Natural Atmosphere
Chemistry of the Natural Atmosphere
Knowledge of thc chemical behavior of trace compounds in the atmosphere has grown steadily, and sometimes even spectacularly, in recent decades. These developments have led to the emergence of atmospheric chemistry as a new branch of science. This book covers all aspects of atmospheric chemistry on a global scale, integrating information from chemistry and geochemistry, physics, and biology to provide a unified account. For each atmospheric constituent of interest, the text summarizes the principal observations on global distribution, chemical reactions, natural and anthropogenic sources, and physical removal processes. Coverage includes processes in the gas phase, in aerosols and c1ouds, and in precipitation, as well as biogeochemical cycles and the evolution of the atmosphere. Chemistry of the Natural Atmosphere, Second Edition, will serve as a textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate courses, and as an essential reference for atmospheric chemists, meteorologists, and anyone studying the biogeochemical cycles of trace gases.* Updated extensively from the highly respected first edition * Treats the global-scale chemistry and distribution of atmospheric trace constituents * Emphasizes observations and their interpretation* Provides background on transport and reaction kinetics for interpretation of observational data* Includes chemistry in the gas phase and in aerosols and clouds* Details chemical reaction pathways for the most important trace constituents* Describes pertinent biogeochemical cycles* Written by an author with more than 40 years of research experience in atmospheric chemistry
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Drugs & Society
Drugs & Society
5 Stars! from Doody's Book Reviews! (of the 13th Edition) "This edition continues to raise the bar for books on drug use and abuse. The presentation of the material is straightforward and comprehensive, but not off putting or complicated." As a long-standing, reliable resource Drugs & Society, Fourteenth Edition continues to captivate and inform students by taking a multidisciplinary approach to the impact of drug use and abuse on the lives of average individuals. The authors have integrated their expertise in the fields of drug abuse, pharmacology, and sociology with their extensive experiences in research, treatment, drug policy making, and drug policy implementation to create an edition that speaks directly to students on the medical, emotional, and social damage drug use can cause.
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Plastic Surgery E-Book
Plastic Surgery E-Book
Fully updated to meet the demands of the 21st-century surgeon, Principles, Volume 1 of Plastic Surgery, 3rd Edition, provides you with the most current knowledge and techniques in the principles of plastic surgery, allowing you to offer every patient the best possible outcome. Access all the state-of-the-art know-how you need to overcome any challenge you may face and exceed your patients’ expectations. Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability. Apply the very latest advances in plastic surgery and ensure optimal outcomes with evidence-based advice from a diverse collection of world-leading authorities. Stay abreast of the latest information on business practices, stem cell therapy, and tissue engineering, and walk through the history, psychology, and core principles of reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery. Know what to look for and what results you can expect with over 1,000 color photographs and illustrations. Easily find the answers you need with a more templated, user-friendly, high-yield presentation.
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Drugs and Society
Drugs and Society
Updated to keep pace with the latest data and statistics, Drugs and Society, Twelfth Edition, contains the most current information available concerning drug use and abuse. Written in an objective and user-friendly manner, this best-selling text continues to captivate students by taking a multidisciplinary approach to the impact of drug use and abuse on the lives of average individuals. A new modern design and robust ancillary package help students understand and retain key learning objectives from each chapter and prepare for class. Contact Your Account Specialist About Our Money Saving Package Options! • Package A: Contains print text plus FREE print Student Study Guide (ISBN: 978-1-284-05478-1) • Package B: Contains print text plus FREE eBook Access Code (ISBN: 978-1-284-05821-5) • Package C: Contains print text plus FREE Navigate Access Code (ISBN: 978-1-284-05586-3)
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Plastic Surgery E-Book
Plastic Surgery E-Book
Fully updated to meet the demands of the 21st-century surgeon, Craniofacial, Head and Neck Surgery and Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Volume 3 of Plastic Surgery, 3rd Edition, provides you with the most current knowledge and techniques across your entire field, allowing you to offer every patient the best possible outcome. Access all the state-of-the-art know-how you need to overcome any challenge you may face and exceed your patients’ expectations. Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability. Compatible with Kindle®, nook®, and other popular devices. Apply the very latest advances in craniofacial, head, neck, and pediatric plastic surgery and ensure optimal outcomes with evidence-based advice from a diverse collection of world-leading authorities. Purchase this volume individually or own the entire set, with the ability to search across all six volumes online! Master the newest procedures in pediatric plastic surgery, including conjoined twinning. Apply the latest clinical evidence and surgical techniques to facilitate the decision-making process for craniofacial patients, and optimize outcomes in the correction of congenital, oncologic, traumatic, and acquired deformities. Know what to look for and what results you can expect with over 2,000 photographs and illustrations. See how to perform key techniques with 28 surgical videos online. Access the complete, fully searchable contents online, download all the tables and figures, and take advantage of additional content and images at!
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The Working Landscape
The Working Landscape
In America today we see rampant development, unsustainable resource exploitation, and commodification ruin both natural and built landscapes, disconnecting us from our surroundings and threatening our fundamental sense of place. Meanwhile, preservationists often respond with a counterproductive stance that rejects virtually any change in the landscape. In The Working Landscape, Peter Cannavò identifies this zero-sum conflict between development and preservation as a major factor behind our contemporary crisis of place. Cannavò offers practical and theoretical alternatives to this deadlocked, polarized politics of place by proposing an approach that embraces both change and stability and unifies democratic and ecological values, creating a "working landscape." Place, Cannavò argues, is not just an object but an essential human practice that involves the physical and conceptual organization of our surroundings into a coherent, enduring landscape. This practice must balance development (which he calls "founding") and preservation. Three case studies illustrate the polarizing development-preservation conflict: the debate over the logging of old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest; the problem of urban sprawl; and the redevelopment of the former site of the World Trade Center in New York City. Cannavò suggests that regional, democratic governance is the best framework for integrating development and preservation, and he presents specific policy recommendations that aim to create a "working landscape" in rural, suburban, and urban areas. A postscript on the mass exile, displacement, and homelessness caused by Hurricane Katrina considers the implications of future climate change for the practice of place.
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America's Water
America's Water
Were water considered an industry, it would be one of the largest in the United States, surely the most capital-intensive, and the most closely regulated by Congress. Yet as Peter Rogers argues in this readable, pragmatic, and scientifically grounded assessment of national water issues, it would also be one of the most fragmented and least coherent areas of public policy. Rogers brings together all aspects of water (and water use) to look at policy formation from technical, economic, and political points of view. He shows why these separate perspectives must be considered simultaneously if intelligent policies are to be developed to protect this indispensable resource for present and future generations.Although water use has declined since 1980, the U.S. still consumes more than twice as much water per capita as any other country in the world. Weighing current resources against future demand, Rogers covers a host of complex water issues facing a thirsty, affluent nation. He explains why the federal role needs to be developed and clarified in a number of areas - from changing the unrealistic expectations of the American public for clean water at any cost to financing the rebuilding of infrastructure that is nearly a century old, from reforming intergovernmental relations and the committee structure in Congress to preserving and restoring wetlands and developing a national drought management policy.Of the two basic approaches to policy formation - spelling out desirable norms and attempting to achieve them, or building pragmatically on what has been feasible in the past - Rogers advocates the feasibility approach. The challenge, he asserts, is to develop a federal policy that will reform the historical patchwork of state-state and state-federal agreements and allow them to work together without abrupt dislocations.Peter Rogers is Gordon McKay Professor of Environmental Engineering and Professor of City Planning at Harvard University.
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Schizophrenia: Advances and Current Management, An Issue of Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Schizophrenia: Advances and Current Management, An Issue of Psychiatric Clinics of North America
This issue of the Psychiatric Clinics, edited by Dr. Peter F. Buckley, examines advances and current management in the treatment of Schizophrenia. The topics covered in this issue include, but are not limited to: Duration of Untreated Psychosis (DUP) and Longitudinal Perspectives on DUP; Neuroinflammation and Schizophrenia; Emerging Treatments for Schizophrenia; Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia; Comorbidities and Schizophrenia; Recovery from Schizophrenia; and the latest in schizophrenia research.
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