Main Currents in Western Environmental Thought
Professor Hay (environmental studies, U. of Tasmania) must have been a patient and long-time follower of environmental debate over the last 35 years to have masterfully untangled the myriad and subtle contentions and changes of heart in ecophilosophy, ecofeminism, ecoreligiosity and spirituality, green critiques of science, green politics, philosophies of place, and ecology's relationship to democracy and postmodernism. Hay's Tasmanian provenance seems less weakness than strength since he provides a more international perspective on environmentalism that includes Australia, North America, and Europe. Not only geographically wide-ranging, Hay is ideologically inclusive, bringing into the environmental forum --without apology or pride--discussions among animal rightists and their critics, and assertions that environmental concern is partially pre-rational. Reading Hay's environmental tome is likely to introduce even seasoned readers to new names (Deborah Slicer, John Rodman, Warwick Fox, Stephen Clark, Ariel Salleh) and so, new arguments. Suitable as a primary or secondary text for an advanced undergraduate or graduate class in environmental thought. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR