Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Health Professions - Australian & New Zealand Edition - eBook
Perfect for: - Students of Nursing, Medicine and Health Professions. - Clinicians in Nursing, Medicine and Health Professions. - Educators in Nursing, Medicine and Health Professions. Benefits: - The only Australian medical dictionary. - Receive free access to the dictionary's online resources. - Over 30 medical and health specialties covered. - Over 39,000 entries, plus enyclopedic entries of significant terms. - Over 50 new drug entries. - High quality images and tables. Widely used by students, educators and professionals, Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions, 3rd Edition is the definitive reference text for Australian and New Zealand regions. Harris, Nagy and Vardaxis' Mosby's Dictionary, 3rd Edition delivers more than 1,100 new and revised definitions, more than 50 new drug entries, and a total of 74 new and updated tables for key reference information to complement definitions. As the only Australian medical dictionary, you also benefit from context-specific information written in local spelling conventions alongside phonetic pronunciation guides throughout Harris, Nagy and Vardaxis' reference book. Enhance your knowledge base with an array of free online content, which supplements Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions, 3rd Edition. Make the most of the online regionalised spellchecker, five comprehensive appendices and an extensive image collection that can be viewed offline, including a printable colour atlas of human anatomy. - over 39,000 clear, precise entries, plus encyclopaedic entries of significant terms - over 2000 high quality images and the apt use of tables to demonstrate and clarify more than 30 medical and health specialties represented - a detailed colour atlas of anatomy, enhancing the comprehension of anatomical terms - local spelling conventions and phonetic pronunciation guides throughout - fully revised etymologies - comprehensive entries for numerous drugs - valuable appendices, including normal laboratory values for adults and children, units of measurement, nutrition guidelines, assessment guides, immunisation schedules, infection control and herb-drug interactions - Evolve Resources Online Features: - free access to all online resources - regionalised spellchecker - printable colour atlas of human anatomy - image collection offers all images for online viewing - 5 comprehensive appendices