The Proceedings of the 22nd International Humanities Conference
Contents: Foreword | Conference Program 2017 | Gurdjieff Study House Aphorisms Art Project - Dragan Micic, Debbie Elliott | A Field of Hope, Turning the Teskooano Towards Ourselves - Peter Apps | The Four Lower Centers and Consequences of Waking Up - Terje Tonne | Gurdjieff Heritage Society - Greg Loy | Eternal Transport - Tyrone Douglas | Education in The Tales: An Analysis throughout Gurdjieff's First Series - Ieva and Robert Mckenty Seminar - Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson, "Purgatory," chapter xxxviii | Active Mentation - Anthony Blake | Directional Indications in the Obligolnian Strivings - Jan Jarvis. | Translating "I Am" into Real Life - Paul Beekman Taylor Seminar - Life Is Real Only Then, When "I Am," Prologue | The Gurdjieff International Review - Greg Loy | Are Gurdjieff's Personality Gravities (Man 1, 2, etc.) Consistent with the World of Ideals? Did G (and/or O) Make a Mistake? - John Amaral | Where do we go from here?Foreword: The Planning Committee would like to take this opportunity of thanking all the Presenters for their help in producing these Proceedings. We hope that this publication will lead to further creative interactions between those in the Work in the future.The 22nd International Humanities Conference-ALL and Everything 2017 convened on Wednesday, May 3 to Sunday, May 7th, 2017 at the Krokstad Hotel, S�ffle, Sweden. The conference was attended by over 50 participants travelling from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States. From the conference's inception, its members have worked toward making this "gathering of the Companions of the Book" to become more and more just that-a gathering of people from all over the world who come together for the purpose of "fathoming the gist" of Gurdjieff's writings, of sharing our insights and experiences, our questions, our efforts to understand and grow into becoming remarkable men and women.The final session of the conference on Sunday morning, traditionally entitled "Where do we go from here?," provided an opportunity to discuss the achievements of the conference and the challenges facing its future editions.