Dialogue Is Not a Chaste Event
This document records the reactions of the Brazilian author/educator Paulo Freire to the questions: (1) what should educators do when the people with whom they work are not interested in the ideas of dialogical analysis and participatory decision making?; (2) what should educators do when they encounter hostility from people who feel that a dialogical and participatory process would threaten the status quo?; and (3) do educators have any right to get involved in a process of transformation in another culture? These questions stemmed from a 1982 project intended to increase African farmers' understanding of their own cooperative marketing system and to raise their level of participation in management of the cooperatives. Freire's answers are summarized as follows. Dialogue with others is necessary to the act of knowing because knowing takes place in human, cultural, and historical space. First, educators have to respond to the group, answering their expectations. They must become educators who give knowledge when asked, but also challenge students about their expectations for the knowledge they are demanding. Educators must understand why people do not want dialogue. They should promote dialogue between different participants, for each to defend his/her position. When they debate, they are accepting dialogue. Educators' tactics, developed in response to the situation confronted in the field rather than at the university, must be totally consistent with their strategy, their dream. Because one was born in one society does not prevent him/her from going to other cultures. The first thing one has to do there is to listen to the voice that is speaking. The second is to listen. The third is to discover that one day it is impossible to speak to others without listening to them, too. (23 references) (CML)