A Day in United States History - Book 2
Description Undertake your own journey into Colonial American history with the A Day in United States History - Book 2. The volume includes both little and well known tales of the events and people that made up the building blocks of the United States. This frontier history includes the following stories: January 10, 1749 - Petition Filed To Repeal of the Ban Against Slaves February 27, 1717 - The Great Snow of 1717 March 10, 1753- Liberty Bell Hung April 3, 1735 - Georgia Bans Slavery May 12, 1777 - First Ice Cream Advertisement June 26, 1740 - Siege of Fort Mose - War of Jenkins Ear July 07, 1774 - Paul Revere Adopts Snake Device August 15, 1756 - Daniel Boone and Rebecca Married September 11, 1740 - First Mention of a Black Doctor in Colonies October 20, 1774 - Congress created the Continental Association November 05, 1492 - Christopher Columbus learns of maize December 21, 1767 - Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania journal, united states, this day in history, history stories, beginners, introduction