A Psychological Biography of Hiram “Hank” Williams
Volume II picks up in 1943-44, right where Volume I left off, with Hank’s courtship and marriage to first wife, Audrey (Sheppard) Guy Williams, his rise to fame at the Louisiana Hayride, 1948-49, and at the Grand Ole Opry, 1949-50, before success began closing in on him by December 1950. Hank was only 27 years old at the time, and no one knew that he had only two more years to live. Despite Hank’s growing alcoholism, marital and health problems, and eventual addiction to prescription drugs, his last two years were perhaps the most productive and successful of his career. “A special feature of Volume II is that Dr. Nail devotes an entire chapter to the art and craft of songwriting. Here, Nail provides what I believe is the most accurate and comprehensive analysis to date of the relative contributions of Hank and his publisher/song editor, Fred Rose, to Hank’s songs. Like Volume I, Volume II is a must-read for anyone seeking greater understanding and insight into the short but fabulous life and career of the legendary Hank Williams. I wholeheartedly recommend it.” – Ed Guy, noted Hank Williams expert