Copyright, Patent, Trademark, and Related State Doctrines
Expanded to include new cases and emerging trends in the field, Copyright, Patent, Trademark and Related State Doctrines provides detailed information on American copyright, patent, and trademark law, as well as on international intellectual law. Highlights of the fifth edition include the following: new and topical state and federal cases in areas of intellectual property law such as idea protection, trade secrets, and right of publicity; cases and notes on emerging First Amendment limitations on federal and state intellectual property rights; developments with Lanham Act section 43(a) and judicial application of federal anti-dilution provisions; treaties designed to stimulate worldwide protection for works originating in the United States; Internet topics, including domain names, secondary liability, safe harbors, and anti-circumvention provisions; expanded coverage of software protection, including business method patents; and new comparisons of U.S. intellectual property doctrines and rules in other countries.