Proceedings of the Dirac Centennial Symposium
Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac (1902-84) is one of the icons of modern physics. His work provided the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics. He also made key contributions to quantum field theory and quantum statistical mechanics. He is perhaps best known for formulating the Dirac equation, a relativistic wave equation which described the properties of the electron, and also predicted the existence of anti-matter. The Dirac Centennial Symposium commemorated the contributions of Dirac to all areas of physics, and assessed their impact on frontier research. This book constitutes the proceedings of the symposium, containing articles by Leopold Halpern, Pierre Ramond, Frank Wilczek, Maurice Goldhaber, Jonathan Bagger, Joe Lykken, Roman Jackiw, Stanley Deser, Joe Polchinski, Andre Linde and others. A special contribution from Dirac's daughter Monica Dirac presents a portrait of Paul Dirac as father and family man.