Justice League: The World's Greatest Superheroes by Alex Ross & Paul Dini
The Justice LeagueÑthey are known as DC ComicsÕ finest heroes, and they are prepared to save the world from itself! From a noble attempt to alleviate world hunger, to fighting a seemingly endless war on crime, to granting the wishes of sick and needy children, to seeking truth in the quest for peace, to stopping a threat from space before it can instill enough fear throughout the world to rip it apartÉ These are epic tales of DC ComicsÕ most famous, colorful and iconic characters, and through the amazing talents of Emmy and Eisner award-winning writer Paul Dini (The New Batman/Superman Adventures, Batman Beyond) and Eisner Award-winning painter Alex Ross (Kingdom Come), these heroes have been given life in a way thatÕs never been seen or experienced before. Collects Superman: Peace on Earth, Batman: War on Crime, Shazam!: Power of Hope, Wonder Woman: Spirit of Truth, JLA: Secret Origins and JLA: Liberty and Justice.