Dynamic Web Programming and HTML5
With organizations and individuals increasingly dependent on the Web, the need for competent, well-trained Web developers and maintainers is growing. Helping readers master Web development, Dynamic Web Programming and HTML5 covers specific Web programming languages, APIs, and coding techniques and provides an in-depth understanding of the underlying concepts, theory, and principles. The author leads readers through page structuring, page layout/styling, user input processing, dynamic user interfaces, database-driven websites, and mobile website development. After an overview of the Web and Internet, the book focuses on the new HTML5 and its associated open Web platform standards. It covers the HTML5 markup language and DOM, new elements for structuring Web documents and forms, CSS3, and important JavaScript APIs associated with HTML5. Moving on to dynamic page generation and server-side programming with PHP, the text discusses page templates, form processing, session control, user login, database access, and server-side HTTP requests. It also explores more advanced topics such as XML and PHP/MySQL. Suitable for a one- or two-semester course at the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate level, this comprehensive and up-to-date guide helps readers learn modern Web technologies and their practical applications. Numerous examples illustrate how the programming techniques and other elements work together to achieve practical goals. Online Resource Encouraging hands-on practice, the book’s companion website at http://dwp.sofpower.com helps readers gain experience with the technologies and techniques involved in building good sites. Maintained by the author, the site offers: Live examples organized by chapter and cross-referenced in the text Programs from the text bundled in a downloadable code package Searchable index and appendices Ample resource listings and information updates