Using Educational Psychology in Teaching
"Welcome to the eleventh edition of our text. As in all fields, educational psychology rapidly advances, and our goal in this edition is to capitalize on these advances to produce a book that meets three goals: to provide the most conceptually sound theory possible, to include up-to-date research, and to prepare a text that provides the most concrete and specific suggestions in the field for applying the content of Educational Psychology in PreK-12 classrooms. Upon the advice of Kevin Davis, our editor, to reflect the third goal and symbolize an essential thrust of our text, we have changed its name to Using Educational Psychology in Teaching. Many students can describe and explain the topics included in an educational psychology text, but far fewer know how, as teachers, to apply these topics to increase their students' learning. We attempt to reach our third goal above in several ways. First, we introduce each chapter with a case study in which a teacher is applying the content of the chapter to increase student learning and development. We then integrate the case studies throughout the chapters in attempts to make the content of each meaningful for readers and further illustrate how educational psychology can be used in teaching to increase student learning. We expand on this process by including one or more sections in each chapter titled "Using Educational Psychology in Teaching: Suggestions for Applying . . . with Your Students." In these sections we include specific suggestions for applying, for instance, Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development, social-emotional learning, culturally responsive teaching, universal design for learning, social constructivist views of learning, theories of motivation, formative assessment, and so on, in classrooms. We then illustrate each of these suggestions with concrete examples taken from the real world of PreK-12 teaching. As a further illustration, the video episodes on which the case studies integrated throughout chapters 2, 9, 11, 13, and 14 are based are included with the MyLab Education component that accompanies this text. These episodes show the actual classroom lessons and provide students with authentic, real-world insights into learning and teaching, and they will hopefully make the written case studies and chapter content more meaningful for readers. In addition to these specific suggestions we include Classroom Connections, which provide additional suggestions for applying the content of each section at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels, and we include Developmentally Appropriate Practice sections in each chapter that offer suggestions for adapting the content for different developmental levels.Also, in each chapter we include two, three, or four Application Exercises, placed throughout the chapter, that ask readers to apply the chapter content to the real world of teaching. A total of 47 exercises are included in the book's 15 chapters, 38 of which are based on video episodes of approximately five minutes or less, leaving 9 that are based on written case studies. Feedback for all the Application Exercises is included. In the eText we include Video Examples, ranging from approximately 40 seconds to 2 minutes in length, that provide brief, concrete illustrations of the chapter content. The Video Examples are placed next to the topics they illustrate"--