Children of Bethlehem
Few people exert greater influence throughout the world than the Roman Pontiff. This timely book reveals the key philosophical principles that underpin the teachings of Pope Benedict XVI. When Pope Benedict XVI's first encyclical letter Deus Caritas Est ('God Is Love') came out, many were astonished. The choice of the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger to write on the theme of love flew in the face of critic's characterization of him as a hardliner. In fact, however, this encyclical does not mark a change in thinking on the part of the newly elected Pope. Rather, it represents the logical culmination of all that Joseph Ratzinger has been writing about for decades. He has taught consistently that the path of truth leads to love, and love is the perfection of what it is to be human. Such perfection can come only through communion, a fact that is expressed in the very nature of God, the Holy Trinity. This book charts the path of the present Pope's thinking, a path full of surprises, not least because it concerns one of the more controversial figures of our time. Robert Tilley received his Divinity Honours and Masters degrees, and his PhD, from the University of Sydney. He has lectured widely in the fields of theology, philosophy and the arts at university and in adult education. From 2002 to 2004 Robert taught philosophy at an inner city homeless men's refuge where he also helped to set up university-orientated programs. He has been involved in social work and cartooning.