Planar Multibody Dynamics
Planar Multibody Dynamics: Formulation, Programming with MATLAB®, and Applications, Second Edition, provides sets of methodologies for analyzing the dynamics of mechanical systems, such as mechanisms and machineries, with coverage of both classical and modern principles. Using clear and concise language, the text introduces fundamental theories, computational methods, and program development for analyzing simple to complex systems. MATLAB is used throughout, with examples beginning with basic commands before introducing students to more advanced programming techniques. The simple programs developed in each chapter come together to form complete programs for different types of analysis. Features Two new chapters on free-body diagram and vector-loop concepts demonstrate that the modern computational techniques of formulating the equations of motion is merely an organized and systematic interpretation of the classical methods A new chapter on modeling impact between rigid bodies is based on two concepts known as continuous and piecewise methods A thorough discussion on modeling friction and the associated computational issues The short MATLAB® programs that are listed in the book can be downloaded from a companion website Several other MATLAB® programs and their user manuals can be downloaded from the companion website including: a general purpose program for kinematic, inverse dynamic, and forward dynamic analysis; a semi-general-purpose program that allows student to experiment with his or her own formulation of equations of motion; a special-purpose program for kinematic and inverse dynamic analysis of four-bar mechanisms The preceding three sets of programs contain animation capabilities for easy visualization of the simulated motion A greater range of examples, problems, and projects