Halifax Harbour Cleanup Project
In November 1990, the federal and provincial Ministers of the Environment jointly appointed an independent environmental assessment panel to conduct a review of the proposal by Halifax Harbour Cleanup Inc. to design and construct a Halifax-Dartmouth Metropolitan sewage treatment facility. The panel was also to address the broader issues of regional wastewater management and the environmental and community impacts of the design, construction and operation of the proposed sewage system, tunnels, sewage-treatment and sludge-handling facilities, and other ancillary structures, buildings and facilities. This report describes the history of the project; the geography, physical oceanography, sediments, and marine life of the receiving environment; and the issues, including the project vs. no-project alternative, choice of site, controls at source, energy conservation, collection system, impact on mainland south and Herring Cove, project cost and funding, construction of the system, ownership, management and operation, and monitoring programs. Recommendations are included, along with biographies of panel members, a list of presenters at public hearings, key review documents, and a glossary.