399 Days
In Volume I, 399 Days: An American Adventure, the Taylor family visited the 48 contiguous United States. Their experiences bonded them together as never before. In their travels, they happened upon parades, concerts, regional festivals, holiday celebrations, and state fairs. The changing seasons brought natures kaleidoscope of colors. Although there were arguments and hurt feelings, they found grace and forgiveness through their relationships with Jesus Christ. Sometimes the challenges seemed to come from all directions, as they get sick, sore, snowed in, sent away, misquoted, misled, pulled over, and locked out. Through it all, the Lord provided and the family as thrived. Now the Taylors are ready for even higher adventure: a new continent with foreign languages, new currencies, exotic foods, and unfamiliar customs. When they mention their plans to others, most people shake their heads. They say its crazy. Maybe it is. Join them now as they embark on Volume II, 399 Days: Our European Escapade.