Questions and Answers to Help You Pass the Real Estate Exam
"There is no question about it... QUESTIONS & ANSWERS is one of the most trusted and recommended exam prep tools available. Why? Because it's designed to help you pass any national licensing exam, including ASI, AMP, PSI, Experior, and state-designed exams, on the first try. Here are some other reasons why QUESTIONS & ANSWERS is so effective: Over 1,800 practice questions with answers fully explained. Expanded chapter overviews discuss the key concepts of each chapter. Key words defined at the beginning of each chapter help you master each exam subject area. Speed questions highlighted throughout the text cover the essential points in a chapter for those who want a quick review. Broker-level questions identified throughout the text distinguish higher-level questions from basic-level and intermediate-level questions. False friends feature identifies seemingly similar terms that are often confused with each other. Special sections containing real estate math questions, sample salesperson and broker final exams, and review exams."--BOOK COVER.