Emerging Crop Pest Problems : Redefining Management Strategies
The present book on “Emerging Crop Pest Problems: Redefining Management Strategies” comprehensively deals with the rapid and accurate detection, diagnosis, and development of management recommendations for the emerging crop pests. The book is divided into five sections. The first section deals with an overview of emerging crop pest scenario including drivers of pest emergence, impacts of emerging pests, and management of emerging pests. The emerging insect and mite pests on field, fruit, vegetable, plantation, tuber, and forest crops; and strategies for their management are dealt in section two. The third section deals with emerging bacterial, fungal and viral diseases of field, fruit, vegetable, ornamental, spice, and tuber crops and their management. The emerging nematode scenario on field, fruit, vegetable, ornamental, medicinal, spice, and tuber crops and strategies for their management are dealt in section four. The final section deals with pests likely to become serious threats in future, and potential impact and anticipated effect of climate change on emerging pests. The possible technical and policy responses, policy considerations and the road map ahead are also discussed in this section. The book is extensively illustrated with excellent quality photographs enhancing the quality of publication. The book is written in lucid style, easy to understand language along with adoptable management recommendations involving eco-friendly practices. This book will be of immense value to scientific community involved in teaching, research and extension activities related to emerging crop pest problems and their management strategies. The material can be used for teaching post-graduate courses. The book can also serve as a very useful reference to policy makers and practicing farmers.