Festive Desserts
Festive Desserts offers an array of forty-three different recipes, together with presentation and time-saving ideas, that will help cooks prepare an irresistible finale for every special meal. Dazzle your guests with Tiramisu, Mile-High Plum Cake, or Meringues and Cream with Chocolate Sauce. These and other mouthwatering desserts have all been specially selected for ease of preparation and visual appeal - in addition to their taste - so that you will find throwing a successful party simpler and more rewarding than ever. Also included in Festive Desserts is a pantry section, with helpful tips on using and storing ingredients, as well as baking techniques. The information found here on sweeteners, extracts, decorative cake pans, and other specialty baking merchandise can make your time in the kitchen shorter and easier. There is also reliable advice on choosing the perfect dessert for your party menu, as well as creative presentation ideas, including garnishes and serving ware.