Magi's Christmas
"Jesus, you have guests." Mary coaxed him out of his shyness as she leaned down, playing with his curly chestnut hair. She then held her graceful hand out, and Jesus grasped two of her fingers. She guided him from behind her robes. He had his mother's nose and mouth, but his eyes . . . Nike had never seen such eyes. The clock is ticking as two great empires of the time, Parthia and Rome, stand at the brink of war. Parthia has just sent their Kingmakers, the Magi, to find the King of Kings. So here was this little boy, Mary's son, at the nexus of the two greatest empires in the World, and one of those nations was sending the Magi right to his front door. Magi's Christmas explores every person's journey, through Christmas, to the Son of God. From meager souls to the mighty and powerful. Everyone must make their journey through Christmas... Everyone.