National Geographic Learning Reader: Cultural Identity in America
CULTURE IDENTITY IN AMERICA is a part of a ground-breaking new series, the National Geographic Learning Reader Series. This series brings learning to life by featuring compelling images, media and text from National Geographic. Through this engaging content, students develop a clearer understanding of the world around them. Published in a variety of subject areas, the National Geographic Learning Reader Series connects key topics to authentic examples and can be used in conjunction with most standard texts or online materials available for your courses. Access to an eBook included with each reader. The fifteen articles gathered in this single-themed reader offer an exceptionally direct entree to issues surrounding identity and culture in the 21st-century United States. As the National Geographic Society's writers and photographers investigate the physical and cultural characteristics of specific locations throughout the country, they put faces on forces of assimilation, diversification, and make the multifarious realities of globalization palpable, concrete. Introducing readers to people and customs that may seem foreign, they shed new light on familiar American themes as well. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.