Growing Up Complete
This report is part of a national campaign for music education that aims to focus the nation's attention on the pressing need to include music and the other arts at the center of the school curriculum. The credo of this campaign is, "Just as there can be no music without learning, no education is complete without music." The meaning of this credo is spelled out in this report through a four-part argument. In chapter 1, "Our Culture Is Dying," the contention is made that through inattention to music and the other arts in schools, the nation is dehumanizing its own people--and particularly the children--not by design but by default. It is argued that music has intrinsic value for the learner, and that a knowledge of music is essential to an educated human being. In chapter 2,"Education Without Music," evidence is explored that music education is being pushed to the periphery in schools. Chapter 3, "Education With Music," underscores two areas of interest: first, the new, pathbreaking areas of research on the nature of intelligence and brain function that are linked to music; and second, the significant contributions that music education can make to all of education beyond its intrinsic value. Finally, in chapter 4, "Making It Happen: Mounting a National Effort," there is discussion of ways of putting the credo to work, including linking the benefits of music education to a national advocacy effort to bring music and the other arts to their basic role in U.S. education. Two appendices are included: list of witnesses before the National Commission on Music Education, and a list of endorsing and supporting organizations. (DB)