“Logic” of Our Age
This book consists of the selected papers presented at the International Conference of Political Economy, the fiſth in a series of political economy conferences. As the previous four, the fiſth conference was held in Kocaeli, on October 23-24, 2013 and organized by Kocaeli University in collaboration with the University of Westminster, UK, Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic, Institute for Economic & Social Research of Piedmont (IRES), Italy, Ostrava Technical University, Czech Republic, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Lima/Peru. The conference has been supported by Turkish Social Sciences Association, The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, Work & Society Journal, International Journal of Politics & Economics, Research in Political Economy, Academia Social Sciences Index, IJOPEC Publishing and financially assisted by The Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey, Central Bank of Turkey, Isbank, Kocaeli Chamber of Industry, Greatest Municipality of Kocaeli, United Metal Workers’ Union, Union of Petroleum Chemical and Rubber Workers of Turkey, turkey Cooperatives, Commerce and Office Workers’ Trade Union, Union of Cement, Glass, Earthen-Ware and Ceramic Industry Workers of Turkey and Public Services International. We would like to thank all supporters and contributors to the conference, including the invited speakers and the scientific committee, as well as other participants.