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Drawing Near to God
Drawing Near to God
The Christian walk requires constant communication with God to build a lifelong relationship with Christ. This course is designed to help you deepen your relationship with God through prayer. You will learn how to effectively communicate with God as well as the foundational principals of prayer that will empower you to sustain a life of intercession. Begin drawing near to God with the lesson notes and reflection journal questions found in this study guide along with the online video teachings available at
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The Outpour
The Outpour
God is releasing His voice upon the earth. He wants to speak to you and through you as a gift of His Spirit. Embracing this Christian birthright will usher you to experience the outpour of God's Spirit to prophesy as a son or daughter of God. This course is designed to teach you the practical steps to operate in prophecy and how to understand the levels of prophetic ministry. Begin your journey of going deeper in the prophetic with the lesson notes and reflection journal questions found in this study guide along with the online video teachings available at
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The Anna Anointing
The Anna Anointing
Boldly change your life and those you influence by developing an ear to not only hear, but to also listen to God's heart.
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The Sarah Anointing
The Sarah Anointing
FROM BEST-SELLING AUTHOR MICHELLE MCCLAIN-WALTERS When your faith fails, God prevails. This book will teach you how to live out your nature as an active participant in God's vision. Sarah was a loyal wife who followed her husband, Abraham, when God spoke to him. Even when Abraham made mistakes, she still called him "lord." She is an example of a woman with a submitted spirit who responded biblically to her husband without losing her identity. Sarah was an active participant in God's vision--perhaps too active, as she ran ahead of God and tried to fulfill His covenant in her own timing. She also laughed at the possibility of a miracle. But when God changed Sarah's name, He changed her nature. The name change linked her to Abraham in co-rulership, including her in God's covenant promise, which was fulfilled by the couple's working together. Sarah's example shows us that God has included women in His purposes and plans throughout history and will include them in the next great awakening. Her life is a positive lesson in faith that breaks personal limitations. Also Available in Spanish ISBN: 978-1-62999-767-4 OTHER BOOKS BY MICHELLE MCCLAIN-WALTERS: Chosen (2019) ISBN: 978-1629996530 The Hannah Anointing (2019) ISBN: 978-1629995670 The Ruth Anointing (2018) ISBN: 978-1629994635 The Anna Anointing (2017) ISBN: 978-1629989471 The Deborah Anointing (2015) ISBN: 978-1629986067 The Esther Anointing (2014) ISBN: 978-1621365877
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Ask, Seek, Knock
Ask, Seek, Knock
Do you long to see answers to your prayers manifest on the earth? Jesus outlined in Scripture the levels of determination in prayer that we must ascend to see the kingdom of God manifest on the earth! This prayer course is designed to help you sustain a life of intercession until you see the manifestation of your prayers. Begin building your confidence in prayer with the lesson notes and reflection journal questions found in this study guide along with the on-line video teachings available at the
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Mujeres Legendarias / Legendary Women
Las mujeres legendarias no solo son aquellas mencionadas en los libros de historia o líderes en negocios o política. Son mujeres comúnes, como la madre soltera, la líder de oración, la esposa que se queda en casa, que eligen decirle sí a Dios. Ese simple acto puede crear un legado legendario que vive de generación en generación y cambia para siempre el curso de la humanidad tal como la conocemos. En Mujeres legendarias, Michelle McClain-Walters pone alas a la naturaleza legendaria de cada mujer que se atreve a soñar y a arriesgar todo para vivir su propósito divino. A través de las narraciones de mujeres en las Escrituras y en la historia, el libro presenta doce características de una mujer legendaria, desafíando a los lectores a identificar sus momentos decisivos, cuando su destino se cruza con una necesidad épica dentro de su familia, comunidad, nación o mundo, y su disposición a decir sí al papel legendario que Dios ha diseñado de manera única para ellas. Además, las oraciones y las confesiones, afirmaciones y declaraciones bíblicas a lo largo del libro darán a los lectores la confianza que necesitan para aceptar quiénes son en todos los niveles. Legendary women aren't just those in the history books or leading in business or politics. They are everyday women--the single mom, the prayer leader, the stay-at-home wife--who choose to say yes to God. That one simple act can create a legendary legacy that lives on from generation to generation and forever changes the course of humankind as we know it. In Legendary Women, Bible teacher Michelle McClain-Walters gives flight to the legendary nature in each woman who dares to dream and risk everything to live out her divine purpose. Through the stories of women in Scripture and history, the book presents twelve characteristics of a legendary woman, and challenges readers to identify their defining moments--when their destiny intersects with an epic need within their family, community, nation, or world--and be willing to say yes to the legendary role God has uniquely fashioned for them. In addition, prayers and biblically based confessions, affirmations, and declarations throughout the book will fill readers with the confidence they need to embrace who they are at every level. This is the finest hour in human history to be a woman. The Lord Most High is activating an army of women who will lead, preach, pray, prophesy, and prosper under the active guidance of the Holy Spirit. Every woman has a place in this army. Every woman is a legend in the making. Whether she has a dark past or is the unlikeliest of heroes, each reader will come to embrace her path as a real-life legend in the making, the very expression of God in feminine form.
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La Unción de Débora
La Unción de Débora
Débora fue única entre las mujeres de su tiempo. Ninguna otra mujer podría descrito a sí misma como una combinación de jueza, intercesora, profetisa, madre de Israel, y estratega militar. Ella gobernó al pueblo de Dios con un corazón amoroso y la fuerza de un soldado. Débora rompió las barreras de su tiempo, no a través de la rebelión, sino en obediencia a Dios para liberar a su pueblo. Destáquese en su área de influencia y sea un pilar en el reino de Dios. Imagine, si las mujeres en la sociedad actual abrazaran este mismo espíritu de discernimiento, valentía, y don enriquecedor de Débora para ver la transformación en sus hogares y lugares de trabajo. La unción de Débora ayudará a superar las presiones y prejuicios culturales y sociales que enfrenta la mujer. A través de las enseñanzas proféticas y oraciones aplicables, usted experimentará la libertad, la sanidad y liberación de: - Miedo y control de las situaciones - Las estaciones secas en la vida personal, profesional y ministerial - Decepción, la duda y la indecisión - Los retrasos en las promesas de Dios - ¡Y mucho más! ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The Old Testament describes Deborah as a mighty combination of judge, intercessor, prophetess, mother of Israel, and military strategist. Deborah broke outside of her culture--not out of rebellion, but in obedience to God to set her people free. As in biblical times God is calling today's women to a purpose greater than themselves. The Deborah Anointing shows you that although you may have been trapped in tradition and locked into captivity by cultural and gender prejudices, God desires for you to break through these barriers. Now is the time to embrace the fullness of your purpose! Whatever your sphere of influence at work, at home, or at church--will you accept the challenge to be a modern-day Deborah, stand for God, and boldly lead others to Him?
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Escogidos / Chosen
Escogidos / Chosen
Muchos son los llamados, pero ustedes son escogidos. Usted los ha visto. Son personas de confianza, generosas y alegres. Conquistan todo lo que hacen. Viven en la dimensión de milagros como si el mismo aliento de Dios estuviera en cada una de las decisiones que toman. Reciben el impulso para subir a nuevos niveles (financiera, espiritualmente y en sus relaciones) mientras que usted permanece en la línea de salida, esperando ese avance. ¿Quiénes son? ¿Cómo obtener el favor de Dios? Usted puede convertirse en un creyente del siguiente nivel porque usted es un escogido. Jesús dijo: "No me elegisteis vosotros a mí, sino que yo os elegí a vosotros... para que todo lo que pidiereis al Padre en mi nombre, él os lo dé" (Juan 15:16). La exitosa escritora Michelle McClain-Walters presenta la diferencia entre los escogidos, los muchos y los pocos, a medida que lo equipara con conocimiento y estrategias divinas para dar el salto de inicio en su destino. Escogidos le enseñará estos puntos: - Fortalecerse para permanecer en el camino de los escogidos de Dios - Exponer y superar los ataques, los obstáculos y las actitudes impías que amenazan su vida - Entender las funciones internas de la dimensión de los escogidos en donde el cielo converge con la tierra y donde lo sobrenatural coexiste con lo natural Elija ahora si declara: "¡Soy un escogido!" y observe cómo se abren los misterios celestiales ante usted. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION MANY ARE CALLED, BUT YOU ARE CHOSEN. This book will equip you with prophetic insight and divine strategies that will jump-start you on the path toward destiny. There is a distinction between the called and the chosen, the many and the few. Who are these people? How did they get exclusive access to the favor of God? They are confident and prosperous, generous, and joyful. They live in the realm of miracles and the supernatural, as if the very breath of God is on every decision they make in life. One season after the next they are catapulted to new levels in life. All they do is win and trample over challenges, disappointments, and attacks from the enemy, while others remain at the starting line, awaiting breakthrough. In her book Michelle McClain-Walters shows readers just what this distinction is and how they can live in the fullness of their identity as God's chosen ones. Built on the words of Christ in John 15:16--"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit--fruit that will last--and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you"--and Matthew 22:14--"Many are called but few are chosen"--Chosen is a revelation of the spiritual force behind the life of the next-level believer. Choose now and declare, "I am chosen!" and watch as the mysteries of heaven are opened to you.
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La Unción de Ana: Conviértase En Una Mujer de Resiliencia, Cumplimiento Y Produc Tividad / The Hannah Anointing: Becoming a Woman of Resilience, Fulfillment..
La Unción de Ana: Conviértase En Una Mujer de Resiliencia, Cumplimiento Y Produc Tividad / The Hannah Anointing: Becoming a Woman of Resilience, Fulfillment..
Reciba inspiración de Ana. Fe inquebrantable. Perseverancia. Devoción. La resiliencia de Ana no nació de experimentar la victoria, sino de esperar en Dios. En La unción de Ana, Michelle McClain-Walters revela un poder especial que permanece inquebrantable de cara a la decepción y a las burlas del enemigo. Aprenda cómo: - Liberar el clamor de la estéril, orar en fe y captar la atención de Dios - Superar los celos, el rechazo, la vergüenza, los espíritus de crítica y la tentación de rendirse - Tener la perspectiva correcta de la soberanía de Dios - Permanecer dentro de las tres posturas espirituales que garantizan la victoria - Hacerle a Dios un nuevo voto que desata un incremento desbordante La unción de Ana le enseña cómo clamar hasta que la productividad regrese a su vida e incluye oraciones y declaraciones para que las pronuncie sobre su situación. Funcione en una unción como la de Ana y vea las promesas de Dios manifestarse. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION In The Hannah Anointing Michelle McClain-Walters reveals a special kind of spiritual power that stands unwaveringly in the face of recurring disappointment and the enemy's taunts. With her unique and empowering prophetic, McClain-Walters tackles issues women face on the road to seeing her destiny and purpose, including how to: - Release the cry of the barren, pray in faith, and get God's attention - Overcome jealousy, rejection, temptation to compromise, critical spirits, and shame - Find healing and purity of heart - Get the right perspective of God's sovereignty and find strength to preserve - Remain within three spiritual postures that guarantee victory - Make a new vow to God and unlock an overflow of multiplication and increase These are the women who will see the promise of God in their lives and in generations to come.
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La Unción de Ester
La Unción de Ester
Ester, una mujer de influencia que venció los obstáculos y liberó a su pueblo Ester estuvo dispuesta a arriesgar su vida por el bienestar de su pueblo y con el fin de promover el plan de Dios. En un poderoso ejemplo de cómo Dios puede usar a cualquier persona, ella pasó por un proceso de purificación, preparación, despertar y, finalmente, reescribió el decreto de muerte en contra de su pueblo. Ella le otorgó a su gente el poder para defenderse a sí mismos, a sus familias y sus posesiones. Hoy Dios está posicionando a las mujeres de este tiempo y dándoles oportunidades divinas para influenciar su cultura para el Reino de Dios. La unción de Ester le dará las claves del éxito de Ester, entre ellas... DESCUBRA SU LUGAR DE INFLUENCIA ENCONTRAR EL FAVOR DE DIOS PARA LA TAREA QUE SE LE ASIGNÓ CAMINAR CON VALENTÍA HACIA EL LLAMADO DE DIOS GOBERNAR Y REINAR CON EL CETRO DE LA ORACIÓN Y EL AYUNO ¡Y MUCHO MÁS! ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Be inspired by Esther, an incredible woman of God. Esther was willing to risk her life for the welfare of her people and the furthering of God's plan. Strategically positioned by God in a place of influence, Esther is a powerful biblical example of how God can use anyone. She answered God's call and went through a season of preparation physically and spiritually to get ready. Just like in biblical times, God is positioning women today and giving them divine opportunities to influence the culture for His glory. The Esther Anointing gives you the keys to Esther's success, including the qualities that make women great, the power of influence, and the key to finding God's favor for your assignment. It doesn't matter where you came from or what skills and talents you have; if you let Him, God can use your life for His glory!
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