Heathen Traditions of the Pennsylvania Dutch
Discover the stories, philosophies, and practices of Urglaawe (Or-glaw-veh), a Pennsylvania Dutch tradition, all in one place for the first time ever. Inclusive and open to anyone regardless of background, this book explores Germanic Heathenry seen through the lens of Pennsylvania Dutch culture. Three expert authors, including the founder of Urglaawe, combine their knowledge of old magic traditions into a comprehensive guide to establishing your personal, modern practice. You'll also learn how to find or form a community for shared practice. Explore the history and distinctions between Pennsylvania Powwow, Hexerei, and Braucheri. Learn how these practices are separate from Urglaawe yet inform and are informed by it. This book provides Urglaawe's worldview, deities, lore, rites of passage, yearly celebrations, and more. Serving as a reference for a multitude of topics, this book is the key to understanding and embracing this spiritual path.