As Many Hours as it Takes!
The growing field of Book Arts is in a state of change as it struggles to relate to the art world while being cast into the category of "craft." The majority of book artists are female and their experiences are integral in understanding how the field fits within the arts. In addition, it is difficult to support one's self on making books alone and most book artists are forced to find other job opportunities. In addition to a brief history of bookmaking and women bookbinders, and a literature review, this study features a pilot study of 7 women book artists from the organization Impractical Labor in Service of the Speculative Arts (ILSSA). The interviews look at the ways the women support themselves financially, how they view their art in relation to being a woman, and how they view the field of book arts as individuals. Just as women are continually defined and redefined, considered weak because of their size, and unimportant because of their historic place in society, the artists' book encompasses contradictions and is fighting to be recognized by the greater arts community.