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The Politics of Manhood
The Politics of Manhood
A much-needed, often startling debate on the personal and political dimensions of masculinity.
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Rediscovering the Other America
Rediscovering the Other America
This vital book examines recent research on poverty and inequality, identifies strategies for ensuring adequate services, and challenges many of the inaccurate beliefs that were used to justify welfare reform legislation in 1996. You'll find up-to-date information on various marginalized groups and their social problems, including lack of health coverage for women with mental health, substance abuse, and domestic violence problems. In addition, you'll find data on the health coverage situation for the poor, for Appalachians, and for women in general. Finally, Rediscovering the Other America: The Continuing Crisis of Poverty and Inequality in the United States suggests strategies for changing public perceptions about the nature of poverty and the poor.
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Latino Poverty in the New Century
Latino Poverty in the New Century
Understand the social factors that challenge this fast-growing community! The Latino community will soon be the largest minority population in the United States. Although Hispanics have been part of the American scene since before independence, their issues have only recently drawn the attention of the mainstream. Latino Poverty in the New Century takes a clear look at the reasons why poverty and inequality are still major concerns for Hispanic citizens and residents. This keen analysis examines how apparently neutral, even well-meaning social and educational policies can have a devastating effect. The interlocking consequences of language problems, educational problems, gangs, poverty, and illness become a vicious cycle. Despite pervasive patterns of discrimination and subtle barriers to achievement, the Latino community still displays its power. Latino Poverty in the New Century reveals how a faith-based community organization succeeded in adapting indigenous networks and culturally relevant sources of support and power to create a strong community presence. Latino Poverty in the New Century offers a rich, detailed analysis of the challenges that face Hispanics in the United States: the implications of US immigration policy for immigrants, refugees, and native-born Latino citizens the language barriers that can prevent Latinos from full participation in both society and educational programs health care policies and the sometimes tragic consequences of the lack of medical insurance the role of extracurricular activities in keeping Latino students in school the twin calamities known as gentrification and urban blight This comprehensive book provides social workers and policymakers with wide-ranging analyses of some of the pressing issues and social policies that affect Hispanics in the United States. Latino Poverty in the New Century explores ways to keep Latino youth in high school, promote community organization, encourage Latinos to vote, and increase your understanding of migration dynamics. Containing current research and case studies, this valuable book will help you comprehend the challenges that Latinos face in this country and respect the gains they have made in spite of the obstacles in their way.
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The Promise of Welfare Reform
The Promise of Welfare Reform
Presents articles from 23 community practitioners and researchers who challenge the "reform" that has turned public aid from a right to a privilege.
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Aging and Mental Health
Aging and Mental Health
This fully revised and updated second edition provides a complete introduction to aging and mental health for psychology students taking courses in aging as well as for academics and practitioners working in the field of gerontology. Offers a comprehensive review of models of mental health and mental illness, along with their implications for treatment of older adults Provides a pragmatic analysis of assessment and treatment approaches that both students and practitioners will find useful Uses case studies to link theory and practice Fully updated to include discussion of the development and implementation of evidence-based treatment protocols in the field of mental health; the increasing prevalence of cognitive impairment and an appreciation of its implications for a variety of functional behaviors; and a changing understanding of long-term care away from a focus on institutional care and toward a broader spectrum of services
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Handbook of Nephrology and Hypertension
Handbook of Nephrology and Hypertension
Concise, thorough, and easy to use, Handbook of Nephrology and Hypertension 7th Edition, provides authoritative guidance on diagnosing and treating patients with a wide range of kidney disorders and hypertension, including coverage of dialysis and transplantation. Lead editor Dr. Christopher Wilcox and his team of section editors Drs. Michael Choi, Limeng Chen, Winfred N. Williams, and Mark S. Segal oversee a group of expert authors, both faculty and fellows, who focus on common problems and challenges in this complex field. Brief, focused chapters contain abundant figures and algorithms and have been updated to reflect new findings in renal cystic diseases, new drugs used for hypertension, transplantation and renal protection, and much more.
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Poverty and Inequality in the Latin American-U.S. Borderlands
Poverty and Inequality in the Latin American-U.S. Borderlands
Examines the implications of economic, social, political or military US interventions on four of its Latin American bordering countries. Covers the Guatemalan counterinsurgent State, Mexico's Progresa programme for poverty reduction, US military presence in Puerto Rico, survival strategies of Cuban mothers, and emerging rural poverty as a result of programmes for environmental protection and economic aid near the Mexican Dalakmul Biosphere Reserve.
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The New State of the World Atlas
The New State of the World Atlas
Combining colorful maps, graphs, and text, this revised volume provides an updated view of the state of the world. It incorporates previously unavailable data on the changing political and economic scenario. The maps cover topics such as population, natural resources, military power, government, business, labor, society, and environment. By including maps with titles such as "Shares in the Apocalypse" (nuclear weapons), "Exploration" (wages and salaries), "Crumbs from the Cake" (social security), and "Scourges of the State" (political forces and the death penalty), the volume demonstrates its political view points. Other topics include: the emerging role of China, and new information on gold trading, food, and women's rights. The volume has also been translated into 13 languages. ISBN 0-671-64554-4: $22.95; ISBN 0-671-64555-2 (pbk.): $12.05 (For use only in the library).
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A Time to Speak Out
A Time to Speak Out
In A Time to Speak Out, a collection of strong Jewish voices come together to explore some of the most challenging issues facing diaspora Jews. With articles on such topics as international law, the Holocaust, varieties of Zionism, self-hatred, the multiplicity of Jewish identities, and human rights, these essays provide powerful evidence of the vitality of independent Jewish opinion as well as demonstrating that criticism of Israel has a crucial role to play in the continuing history of a Jewish concern for social justice. At once sober and radical, A Time To Speak Out reclaims an often intemperate debate for those both inside and outside Israel who prefer to confront uncomfortable truths. Nearly all contributors were associated with the Independent Jewish Voices declaration which, when launched in Britain in 2007, opened a floodgate of responses. Independent Jewish Voices is a group of Jews in Britain from diverse backgrounds, occupations and affiliations who have in common a strong commitment to social justice and universal human rights.
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Integrable Systems
Integrable Systems
This textbook is designed to give graduate students an understanding of integrable systems via the study of Riemann surfaces, loop groups, and twistors. The authors are internationally renowned both as researchers and expositors, and the book is written in an informal and accessible style.
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