Nick Ilsanto and the Scourge of the Black Hand
May 4, 1885- the Feast of Saint Sebastian in Melilli, Sicily, celebrating the martyred saint and protector from the bubonic plague. But for young Nick Ilsanto, that day would turn into his worst nightmare, its tragedy propagating a new kind of plague, one spawned by avarice and hate, destined to bring America, and Europe, to its knees. Nick Ilsanto and the Scourge of the Black Hand details Nick’s twentyfour- year odyssey to find the man known as “il Lupo,” “the Wolf,” the cause of his nightmare and, eventually, the world’s. While pursuing the leader of the terrorist organization known as the Black Hand, Nick, driven by revenge, vows to destroy both “il Lupo” and the Hand- why the Wolf wants him, more than anyone else on earth, dead. A crime novel and love story featuring some of America’s most legendary figures, including P.T. Barnum, Teddy Roosevelt, and John L. Sullivan, “Nick Ilsanto” is also an epic tale of America’s reality and myths regarding justice, equality, racism and immigration.