Law for Advertising, Broadcasting, Journalism, and Public Relations
This exceptional new text offers an up-to-date and integrated approach to communication law. Written by two practicing attorneys with extensive experience teaching the communication law course, Law for Advertising, Broadcasting, Journalism, and Public Relations covers the areas of communication law essential and most relevant for readers throughout the communication curriculum. Its integrated approach will serve students and practitioners in advertising and public relations as well as those in journalism and electronic media. Providing background to help readers understand legal concepts, this comprehensive communication law text includes an introduction to the legal system; covers legal procedures, structures, and jurisdictions; discusses the First Amendment and electronic media regulations; and considers issues of access. Additional material includes: *intellectual property law; *employment and agency law, with explanations of how these laws create obligations for mass communication professionals and their employees; *commercial communication laws; and *special laws and regulations that impact reporters, public relations practitioners, and advertisers who deal with stock sales. Special features of this text include: *Magic Words and Phrases--defining legal terms; *Cases--illustrating key points in each chapter; *Practice Notes--highlighting points of particular interest to professional media practices; *Instructions on finding and briefing cases, with a sample brief; and *Examples of legal documents and jury instructions. This text is intended as an introduction to communication law for students and practitioners in mass communication, journalism, advertising, broadcasting, telecommunications, and public relations.