Community Care Practice and the Law
This second edition of Community Care Practice and the Lawhas been substantially rewritten and restructured to reflect the rapid change affecting community care in legislation, the law courts, policy and practice. The book bridges the gap between law and practice by juxtaposing fully and systematically legislation, legal judgments in the courts, local ombudsman and health service ombudsman findings, Parliamentary debates and answers, and numerous reports about practice from the Department of Health, voluntary organisations, professional associations and academics. Distinctive features of the book include: two large digests of cases containing well over three hundred legal judgments and local ombudsman investigations; a chapter consisting of a practical checklist of questions - for managers, practitioners and users of services and their advisors - to check the lawfulness of policies, eligibility criteria and individual decisions; two overview, stand-alone chapters, one summarising the system, the other highlighting underlying themes and mechanisms; an inclusive approach embracing not only a range of both residential and non-residential care services, but also equipment and home adaptations, carers, direct payments, NHS services generally and continuing care, moving and handling law, legislation and guidance (old and new) underlying joint working and joint finance; avoidance of jargon.