Supercollider 2
The Second International Industrialization Symposium on the Supercollider, IISSC, was held in Miami Beach Florida on March 14-16, 1990. It was an even bigger and more successful meeting than our ftrst in New Orleans in 1989. There were 691 attendees and 75 exhibitors. The enthusiasm shown by both the speakers and the audience was exhilarating for all attendees. The symposium again brought together the physicists and engineers designing the machine, the industrial organizations supporting the design and construction, the education community, and the governmental groups responsible for the funding and management of the SSC project. We believe it is this unique rnix which makes this particular meeting so valuable. The theme of this symposium was "The SSC-Americas Research Partnership" and the varied presentations throughout the meeting high-lighted that theme. The keynote speakers were: Dr. Roy Schwitters, Director of the SSC Mr. Paul F. Orefftce, Chairman of the Board of Dow Chemical Company Honorable W. Hinson Moore, Deputy Secretary of Energy Mr. Morton Meyerson, Chairman of the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission Honorable Robert A. Roe Congressman from New Jersey and Chairman, House Science and Technology Committee Honorable Tom Bevel, Representative from Alabama, Chairman House Energy and Water Development Appropriation Subcommittee In addition there was a discussion of issues by a panel of four Congressmen: Honorable Jim Chapman, Representative from Texas Honorable Vic Fazio, Representative from California Honorable James A. Hayes, Representative from Louisiana Honorable Carl D.