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With the Covid pandemic winding down but not yet over, Ennis Railsback, 55, a Texas-born indie film producer in Manhattan and co-founder of Rain-Or-Rust Pictures, departs what he calls "the lost world" to begin a journey in "the floating world" to learn the meaning of love and to peel back the multi-layered details surrounding his death by accident in a drive-by shooting in Queens while on his way to see Agnes Bailey Kotas and to ask her to marry him. Ennis recounts his friendship with Agnes, her obsession with photography, her unconventional relationship and eventual divorce from her Fentanyl-dealing husband Derek, and the detrimental falling out these two have with a lover they share, Holly Greene, as part of what they call their "triangle game." All these layers, once exposed, reveal to Ennis a disturbing though not hopeless conclusion.