Historical Black Milwaukee (1950 to 2022)
In Historical Black Milwaukee (1950-2022), the author illustrates how an African American community grew over time and the people, events, and institutions that shaped Black Milwaukee. He also shows the contributions that African Americans made to the City of Milwaukee's growth and its history. Bonds provides a detailed discussion on historical Black Milwaukee. He shows how a small Black population of 21,772 (3.41%) out of Milwaukee's population of 637,392 in 1950 grew to become the second-largest racial group in Milwaukee with a total population of 223.962 (38.8%), based on the City of Milwaukee's 2021 estimated population of 577,222. The author discusses the people (community leaders, Black elected officials at every level of government, and Black professionals in the public, private, and criminal justice sectors) who shaped historical Black Milwaukee. Moreover, he provides a detailed discussion of various institutions (Black businesses, schools, religion, media outlets (newspaper, radio stations, televisions, etc.), social service agencies, and more that shaped historical Black Milwaukee. And the book reveals the role of Black cultural institutions (museums, art galleries, bookstores, nightclubs, sports leagues, etc.), cultural events (festivals, art shows, and more), Black neighborhoods, and public landmarks (streets, buildings, murals, parks, etc.) named after Blacks who contributed to the growth of its community and the City of Milwaukee's history. This book discusses the challenges and opportunities that led to the integration of the Black population into the City of Milwaukee. Historical Black Milwaukee will become a book that can be updated regularly and can provide a one-stop reference book on Black Milwaukee for the period of 1950-2022. The book also discusses lessons learn from historical Black Milwaukee and their implications for other Black communities.