The Everything Women of the Bible Book
Find fascinating and moving stories of women living in extraordinary times in The Everything Women of the Bible Book. Eve, the first mother of humankind. Bathsheba, King David's illicit love. Mary Magdalene, eyewitness to the resurrection of Jesus. The Everything Women of the Bible Book examines these luminaries and their illustrious sisters who grace the pages of the Bible. This compelling and easy-to-use guide introduces you to: -Adulteresses, courtesans, dancers, and deceivers -Women who caused murder -The Prophetesses -Great Beauties -Women disciples and followers of Jesus With The Everything Women of the Bible Book, you'll understand more about the popular, often retold Bible stories and you'll discover little-known heroines, queens, wives, disciples, and lovers. And you'll be inspired by their bravery, intelligence, and faith.