The Road to Vatican II
The Second Vatican Council produced a charter for the church of the twentieth century and beyond. Part of the council's fascination is that it involves many "stories." The Road to Vatican II is an attempt to tell the story behind the stories of this landmark in church history. Somehow, more than 2,500 bishops, who often disagreed on the most critical issues, managed to produce sixteen documents that touched the very essence of the Catholic faith. How is it possible that so much could have been accomplished in four brief council sessions, from 1962-1965? How did the church move from Pius IX at Vatican I (1869-70), who espoused a rigid, hierarchical model of church, to John XXIII at Vatican II (1962-65), who ushered in a collegial, communio model of church? In answering these questions, Sullivan's book highlights those theologians whose efforts over the years before the council were actually the seeds of what flourished at the council. These theologians were indeed prophets among us, often suffering because of their convictions. Ultimately they were instruments of the Holy Spirit in our midst. They offered the church a renewed vision of the faith and a methodology to facilitate theological endeavor. They also rediscovered in the New Testament a language of life that could speak to contemporary men and women. Hence, this book presents the incredible theological changes that took place on the road to Vatican II; it examines the contributions of some of the key theologians on this road; and it finds evidence of their influence in key documents of the Second Vatican Council. Book jacket.