An Exposé on the Devil
You do not have to search too intensely to find devotional articles, journal manuscripts, lectureship transcripts, YouTube videos, academic dissertations, and in-depth study books discussing the nature, work, origins, and existence of "The Devil." The enemy of God and man has been a source of discussion for ages. Frustratingly, many discussions place a tremendous amount of focus on extra-Biblical resources, delving deep into secular mythology, ancient poetry, and speculation rooted more in popular culture than in inspired Truth. This book hopes to resolve that frustration. Some discussion is needed pertaining to the work of Satan in the world today, to the many misconceptions that exist about him, and to the various ways (accurately and otherwise) he has been depicted in media over time, but the bulk of this book is based on the Bible. In fact, this book contains some discussion on every Biblical reference there is to be found about the Devil, including his first work in the Garden of Eden, his torment of Job, warnings spoken of him throughout the Ministry of Jesus, and descriptions of him given in the letters written to the first-century Church. Related topics such as demon possession, temptation, and our constant struggle with so-called "spiritual wickedness in high places" are also discussed. Throughout these thirteen chapters, this book strives to live up to its namesake, to be a thorough, Biblically focused, EXPOSE on our terrible adversary. --ABOUT THE AUTHOR-- Matthew Martin is a forty-something husband and father of three, a 2005 graduate of Memphis School of Preaching, from which he received a Bachelor's Degree in Biblical Studies. He also has a Master's Degree in Biblical Studies from Bear Valley Bible Institute. He has been a preacher for twenty-five years and has penned several spiritual study books, including commentaries on every book of the New Testament, and (so far) half the books of the Old Testament.