Loitering With Intent to Mope
Officers Strunk and Mattingly patrol the “duplicipality” of South Lyons and Underglen Township. When they pay a follow-up call to “über citizen” Mr. Pedanski, 76, an “amateur cop” more effective than many of his badged counterparts, he informs Strunk and Mattingly of an illegal casino operating nearby. The cops don’t let on, but they already know about the gambling den: It’s run by other members of the force. Strunk and Mattingly face a drastic decision: Should they seek a piece of the action or, far more dangerously, close down the operation? They decide to eat their cake and throw it.When Strunk and Mattingly’s attempt to join the scheme is rebuffed, Mattingly visits the casino one night, off-duty. He plays some “Kentucky Three Finger” and breaks the bank. But his momentary victory triggers a series of events, revealing police department corruption from top to bottom. Soon, Strunk and Mattingly receive warnings and threats. For one, their cruiser is bugged. Next, a group of neighborhood vigilantes raid a gambling den with balaclavas and flash grenades. Then the higher-ups in the department seek to split up Strunk and Mattingly. Finally, Strunk becomes temporarily blinded – though, by his own negligence in his girlfriend’s shower. When the schmlanx hits the oscillating rotary blade, retaliation erupts in the form of arson, “porn bombs” and worse. Finally, Pedanski is viciously attacked and the son of Mattingly's girlfriend is kidnapped. Strunk and Mattingly finally realize it’s the police department that should be wrapped in crime scene tape. Will their new-found sense of justice win the day... or get them killed?