Up the Creek with a Paddle
The story is simple. It is about love, life and hope. The love story begins in a small pub in Galway during the summer of 1991. Then, elusive, sporadic symptoms consistent with Multiple Sclerosis emerge. After marriage and years of denial, Mary details her battle with the onslaught of her husband's Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Finally, Mary stumbles on a little known doctor in New York City, Dr. Bernard Bihari. Many people were making very bold claims about his work on the internet. They claimed that Dr. Bihari knew how to stop every type of MS from progressing. Even better, it was claimed that he could help everyone with an autoimmune disorder, ranging from psoriasis to AIDS. It was claimed that Dr. Bihari could help them with Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). Eventually, Mary's husband took a leap of faith and put Dr. Bihari's work to the test. LDN worked. It stopped his MS from progressing. Since September 2002, a worldwide campaign has ignited with passionate momentum to get the already FDA-approved drug medically recognized as a treatment for MS and all autoimmune disorders. After witnessing her husband's release from the onslaught of a progressive degenerative disease, Mary tells how she approached celebrities ranging from Pat Kenny to Oprah, politicians from Thabo Mbeki to Bertie Ahern, and every form of media, in an effort to be heard. LDN is a cheap, generic drug with no known side-effects. Despite the lack of financial incentive for Pharmaceutical companies, the ambition is for LDN to hit the masses and improve the lives of millions. Every veteran of an autoimmune disease knows that existing medications for MS and all autoimmune disorders are costly and ineffective. They line the pockets of the drug companies, but do not help the people. Mary directly challenges Governments across the globe and every MS society in existence using published scientific papers, the backing of many reputable doctors and thousands of patients testimonies. Since 2002, LDN communities have emerged all over the internet, in every language. From Facebook to YouTube, people are screaming for their success stories to be heard. This is an exciting time for the LDN community and everyone who suffers from an autoimmune disorder. Small scale LDN clinical trials are finally making progress around the world and are paving the way for a much needed large scale double blind placebo study. The story is personal and easy to read. It is educational, enlightening and entertaining with plenty of humor to balance the pain. It is a story that needs to be heard. Every single person knows somebody who needs LDN yesterday. LDN is, without question, the biggest medical discovery since penicillin. Mary successfully humanizes the implications of a cheap, generic drug and the complexities of getting a simple treatment with no patent (and hence no financial incentive) to people who need it as much as she did.