God's Plan with Men
An Interpretation of Salvation This comprehensive survey of God's methods in dealing with mankind is the ripe fruit of a lifetime of experience in interpreting God's truth to men. "Deals with the broad theme of Salvation, and thus touches many phases of Christian Truth. Mr. Martin is an earnest and able defender of the Truth, and his book is full of helpfulness." -The Book News Monthly "Devoted largely to the exposition of Scripture passages treating of salvation, this book moves on very conservative lines. It will give broad foundation for many who feel the need of taking up this great theme at this time. It abounds in Scripture references and is illustrated from the experience of evangelists and from history." -The Interior "The Gospel trumpet in the hands of the author of this timely book gives forth no uncertain sound. The great fundamentals of Divine truth and grace are restated here with a definiteness and force truly refreshing in these days when so much laxity and confusion of thought prevail in regard to them. For its clear-cut distinctions and its thoroughly Scriptural tone and temper this interpretation of human salvation is deserving of special commendation. How entirely out of harmony Universalism, Annihilation and Future Probation alike are with God's Word, the author shows with a simplicity and power convincing to any unbiased mind. By copious quotation from and exposition of Scripture, 'God's Plan With Men' is made to stand out with vividness and soul-satisfying power. God's justice is fully vindicated, while at the same time His love and grace are dealt with in a comprehensive manner. "The author of this book is an evangelist of no small gifts, whose labors have met with a large measure of success. He gives us here in permanent form the message that has been the secret of this. For that reason his evangel will prove a real boon to those who seek a fresh and fuller confirmation of personal faith in the Divine verities. Those who labor in the Gospel will find it of much value when called to do the work of an evangelist." -Record of Christian Work "The son of Matthew Thomas and Annie Strickland Martin, Thomas Theodore Martin was born on 26 April 1862 in Smith County, Mississippi. He received his A. B. from Mississippi College (1886) and his Th. M. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (1896). On 1 June 1905 he married Ivy Manning. After teaching at Baylore Female College for two years (1886-88), he was ordained a Baptist minister (1888) and for ten years held pastorates in various communities in Colorado and Kentucky (1890-1900). Dean of the School of Evangelism at Union University (1910-30), he founded the American School of Evangelism at Cooke Springs, Alabama (1930). The author of a large number of religious works, he died on 23 May 1939 and is buried in Gloster, Mississippi." -Lives of Mississippi Authors, 1817-1967, James B. Lloyd, Editor, University Press of Mississippi, 1981 CONTENTS I. Sin and Its Punishment--God's Justice--Degrees In Hell II. Sins Not Excused, nor the Penalty Ever Remitted Without Redemption III. Jesus the Christ as Sin-bearer--God's Justice and Love IV. The New Relation--The New Motive V. The Sins of God's Children--Forgiveness--Chastisements VI. Rewards--Degrees in Heaven VII. How to be Saved--Repentance and Faith VIII. The Meaning of "Believe On" or "Believe In" Christ IX. Eternal Life the Present Possession of the Believer X. Development of Character in the Redeemed