Collects true stories about eccentric car collectors, including a take of an English nobleman who buries his horde of Ferraris in an insurance scam and a woman who loved her car so much she wished to be buried in it.
This book describes the different types of writing that are used as tools of communication in the adult world, and compares the writing tasks that teachers set for their pupils and the ways in which they measure success. By analyzing the different skills required within the school context and the outside world, Martin suggests how the education process could become more appropriate to the needs of the individual.
Explores the people, history, culture, land, climate, and economy of Syria, a battleground of empires and a country still in the early stages of independence.
This volume considers and analyzes the many cases dealing with agency matters which have occurred since publication of the last edition. Each chapter consists of a series of numbered articles which state the law concisely. Each of these is followed by a comment from the author in which he expands on the statement, and many of these are illustrated with facts from a relevant case. A new chapter covers the Commercial Agents Directive 1993.