Analysis of Lattice-Boltzmann Methods
Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation from the year 2007 in the subject Mathematics - Analysis, University of Constance (Fachbereich Mathematik & Statistik), language: English, abstract: Lattice-Boltzmann algorithms represent a quite novel class of numerical schemes, which are used to solve evolutionary partial differential equations (PDEs). In contrast to other methods (FEM,FVM), lattice-Boltzmann methods rely on a mesoscopic approach. The idea consists in setting up an artificial, grid-based particle dynamics, which is chosen such that appropriate averages provide approximate solutions of a certain PDE, typically in the area of fluid dynamics. As lattice-Boltzmann schemes are closely related to finite velocity Boltzmann equations being singularly perturbed by special scalings, their consistency is not obvious. This work is concerned with the analysis of lattice-Boltzmann methods also focusing certain numeric phenomena like initial layers, multiple time scales and boundary layers. As major analytic tool, regular (Hilbert) expansions are employed to establish consistency. Exemplarily, two and three population algorithms are studied in one space dimension, mostly discretizing the advection-diffusion equation. It is shown how these model schemes can be derived from two-dimensional schemes in the case of special symmetries. The analysis of the schemes is preceded by an examination of the singular limit being characteristic of the corresponding scaled finite velocity Boltzmann equations. Convergence proofs are obtained using a Fourier series approach and alternatively a general regular expansion combined with an energy estimate. The appearance of initial layers is investigated by multiscale and irregular expansions. Among others, a hierarchy of equations is found which gives insight into the internal coupling of the initial layer and the regular part of the solution. Next, the consistency of the model algorithms is considered followed by a discussion of stability. Apart from proving stability for several cases entailing convergence as byproduct, the spectrum of the evolution operator is examined. Based on this, it is shown that the CFL-condition is necessary and sufficient for stability in the case of a two population algorithm discretizing the advection equation. Furthermore, the presentation touches upon the question whether reliable stability statements can be obtained by rather formal arguments. To gather experience and prepare future work, numeric boundary layers are analyzed in the context of a finite difference discretization for the one-dimensional Poisson equation.