The One to One Fieldbook
A practical guide to implementing the one-to-one marketing principles that Don Peppers and Martha Rogers have made famous throughout corporate America in their bestselling books The One to One Future and Enterprise One to One. Every day, all around the world, managers worry about the declining loyalty of their customers. Customers are being wooed ever more feverishly by competitors offering better prices, better deals--a process that has dramatically accelerated with the growth of the Internet. As information about customers becomes more plentiful and detailed, and as customers themselves become more interactive with the companies they buy from, business success hinges increasingly on creating long-term, profitable, "one-to-one" customer relationships. One-to-one marketing is nothing short of a revolution. Dell, Cisco, FedEx, Owens Corning, American Express,, Hewlett-Packard, and BellSouth, among others, have built their success on enhancing customer knowledge and interaction. Yet managers and executives today find themselves wrestling with the issue of how to become a part of this revolution. That's why one-to-one marketing pioneers Don Peppers, Martha Rogers, and Bob Dorf wrote this book. The One to One Fieldbook is the first hands-on manual for implementing customer relationship management programs, featuring step-by-step guidance on how to initiate, evaluate, and upgrade one-to-one initiatives. Among the topics covered in the book: how to determine whether you're ready to undertake a one-to-one program, how to evaluate what different customers are worth to your business, and how to customize your products or services. It includes chapters on gathering customer information, on how to measure results, on how to use the power of the World Wide Web--and much more. Each chapter features checklists of things to do, activities to enhance one-to-one skills, and questionnaires to evaluate your progress. A complete toolkit for companies implementing customer relationship programs, The One to One Fieldbook will help you identify your best customers, keep them longer, and grow them bigger--so that you can compete more successfully in the Interactive Age.