Pairing in Fermionic Systems
Cooper pairing of fermions is a profound phenomenon that has become very important in many different areas of physics in the recent past. This book brings together, for the first time, experts from various fields involving Cooper pairing, at the level of BCS theory and beyond, including the study of novel states of matter such as ultracold atomic gases, nuclear systems at the extreme, and quark matter with application to neutron stars. Cross-disciplinary in nature, the book will be of interest to physicists in many different specialties, including condensed matter, nuclear, high-energy, and astrophysics. The emphasis is on novel issues beyond ordinary BCS theory such as pairing in asymmetric systems, the polarization effect, and higher spin pairing. These topics are rarely treated at the textbook level and all of them are the subjects of intensive ongoing research. The book also considers various new techniques widely used in current research that differ significantly from the conventional condensed matter approaches described in the standard literature. Sample Chapter(s). Chapter 1: Color Superconductivity in Dense, but not Asymptotically Dense, Quark Matter (1,976 KB). Contents: Color Superconductivity in Dense, But Not Asymptotically Dense, Quark Matter (M Alford & K Rajagopal); Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell Phases in QCD (G Nardulli); Phase Diagram of Neutral Quark Matter at Moderate Densities (S B Rster et al.); Spontaneous Nambu-Goldstone Current Generation Driven by Mismatch (M Huang); The CFL Phase and m s: An Effective Field Theory Approach (T Schnfer); Nuclear Superconductivity in Compact Stars: BCS Theory and Beyond (A Sedrakian & J W Clark); Pairing Properties of Dressed Nucleons in Infinite Matter (W H Dickhoff & H Mther); Pairing in Higher Angular Momentum States: Spectrum of Solutions of the 3 P 2 - 3 F 2 Pairing Model (M V Zverev et al.); Four-Particle Condensates in Nuclear Systems (G RApke & P Schuck); Realization, Characterization, and Detection of Novel Superfluid Phases with Pairing Between Unbalanced Fermion Species (K Yang); Phase Transition in Unbalanced Fermion Superfluids (H Caldas). Readership: Researchers and graduate students in the areas of condensed matter, nuclear and particle physics."