Inside Jobs
From data security company Code42, Inside Jobs offers companies of all sizes a new way to secure today’s collaborative cultures—one that works without compromising sensitive company data or slowing business down. Authors Joe Payne, Jadee Hanson, and Mark Wojtasiak, seasoned veterans in the cybersecurity space, provide a top-down and bottom-up picture of the rewards and perils involved in running and securing organizations focused on rapid, iterative, and collaborative innovation. Modern day data security can no longer be accomplished by “Big Brother” forms of monitoring or traditional prevention solutions that rely solely on classification and blocking systems. These technologies frustrate employees, impede collaboration, and force productivity work-arounds that risk the very data you need to secure. They provide the illusion that your trade secrets, customer lists, patents, and other intellectual property are protected. That couldn’t be farther from the truth, as insider threats continue to grow. These include: Well-intentioned employees inadvertently sharing proprietary data Departing employees taking your trade secrets with them to the competition A high-risk employee moving source code to an unsanctioned cloud service What’s the solution? It’s not the hunt for hooded, malicious wrongdoers that you might expect. The new world of data security is built on security acting as an ally versus an adversary. It assumes positive intent, creates organizational transparency, establishes acceptable data use policies, increases security awareness, and provides ongoing training. Whether you are a CEO, CIO, CISO, CHRO, general counsel, or business leader, this book will help you understand the important role you have to play in securing the collaborative cultures of the future.